Sunday, April 24, 2016

Digital Post #F

Virtual School, Blended Learning, and Goodreads
I think it’s only fitting to write about virtual school when technically I am in a virtual form of school. I’m currently enrolled in Florida Southwestern but all of my classes are online. While I was in high school a large majority of my peers were in Florida Virtual School in order to make up classes and/or graduate early. Most of the students who had difficult passing classes took a different version called Education 2020 which is essentially a form of blended learning. Senior year that I enrolled in FLVS and Education 2020. Below is a map of the United States and it says as of 2011; 259,928 students are enrolled in some form of Virtual School in Florida. Which makes it the most enrollment of all 50 states.

Virtual School
                In my senior year high school took away honors programs to try to motivate Honors students to either take Advanced Placement classes or Dual Enroll at FSW. This plan back fired for the school because about 30% of honors students dropped out of dual enrollment or AP classes due to difficulty and work load. In my case they put me in a regular English class and I lacked motivation. My advisor suggested I take English 3 Honors through FLVS. My teacher organized the class in such a way that really helped me stay engrossed in learning. She made fun and inventive ways to help me improve my writing. Most of the books in the class I had read already so at first I thought the class would be a joke but after the assignments and her weekly phone calls with my mom and myself it made me really feel like by teacher cared compared to some of my teachers in public school. Granted my virtual school teacher could also teach from anywhere in her PJ's so what teacher wouldn’t be happy as a clam teaching from home or another country?

Blended Learning
                Most students in my high school who were in blended learning were usually who had difficulty in a normal classroom setting or were super seniors. I ran out of academic classes that I felt I could benefit from and I didn’t want to be one of those seniors taking 3 Physical Education classes so my adviser suggested taking E2020 to bring up my GPA. So I took 3 classes in a matter of a month. I wish I had taken E2020 over the summer throughout high school so I could have graduated sooner and graduated with a better GPA.  The class was divided very similar to a regular class but it lacked creativity. You read the chapter, watched a little video, answered a little review and then took a test once you finished every section. It was the most simplistic way to get through the information, but I learned nothing. I just improved my GPA. I honestly couldn’t tell you anything about biology and Algebra which has been made apparent now that I’ve proceeded to take Biology and Algebra in college. So all though blended learning was effective when it came to teaching me enough to get through high school I didn’t take much from the course besides how to write a paper while listening to music. While virtual school I learned how to actually improve my writing and research.


                Interestingly enough I signed up for this site about a year ago to read a Star Wars Novel and never understood the concept of this site. Besides the description in the book I took it upon myself to stop researching sites on my phone. Essentially the site is a form of social media for you to Research books you want to read and review books you have read in order to form a wider form of a book club. Instead of going to your nerd friends about reading Harry Potter series for the 3rd time you could find a series you are interested based on all the books you’ve ever read and what you liked or disliked about them. My only issue I had with the site is that it has a list of books and where they can be purchase but I’m a cheapskate and I like to find my books in free PDF form online. I would like it more if users could submit PDF files of the books they’ve read so others can read them. Of course this brings up the debate of the price of print. If books are free how to authors receive the money they deserve for the popularity of their series. But the major pro for this site is you could offer recommendations for students if they like the books or stories we read in class. They’ll also be given the opportunity to have their opinion heard by people around the world. 

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Good Reads. (n.d.). Goodreads. Retrieved April 24, 2016, from